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 Once again we enjoyed the Lord’s presence during our worship and fellowship time this past Sunday.  Praise the Lord.  Apologies: I must have accidentally deleted the sermon recording from this past Sunday, do that’s not available.  I’ll try to be more careful next week!

   A few things for your prayers:
         1.  Ross McMahan, the father of Keith McMahan, died yesterday after a brief time in a hospice.  Keith visits The Haven, OPC regularly, and his dad also worshipped with us one Sunday. Pray for comfort for Keith.    
         2.  Keep praying for the Lord to direct us regarding the provision of the St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church so that we can, among other things, have an earlier worship service.  The vestry meets on September 30 to consider our proposal.
         3.  Pray for me: I have much to do this week, and Margaret and I have two couples from Iowa who will be staying with us from Thursday through Monday. You’ll get to meet them this Sunday.  They're members of Cornerstone United Reformed Church in Sanborn, IA.  Pray that I get done all I need to get done!

    The bulletin for Sunday is attached (below). Use it to prepare for our worship this Lord’s Day. Pray for the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit as we gather. 

 Press on with your eyes on your faithful Savior,
         Pastor Bill