When we broadcast our last program on “Improving Your Baptism” and, if you didn’t hear that program, I urge you to listen to it now...
– when we broadcast that program, I knew there would be questions about my reference to “ household baptism” (often called “infant baptism”). And I was right! Many (if not most) of our listeners have been taught that baptism is for those who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and that baptism is a representation of that person’s personal commitment to follow Jesus faithfully. In the nature of the case, that can’t be done by an infant. Therefore, infants are not to be baptized.
I am very familiar with that position - often called “the baptism of believers alone”. But I also don’t believe that it does justice to all of the biblical data (especially the New Testament data) about baptism.
Today I have a caller who wants to discuss that topic – just as we would do in a pastor’s study. We’re going to let you listen in as we consider what I’ll simply call today’s program: “Infant Baptism???”. Our caller’s name is Rebekah. Welcome to A Visit to the Pastor’s Study…
Here’s a link to the full program:
Yours in Christ, who said of little children “of such is the Kingdom of God”,
Pastor Bill