For this series I have drawn from the outstanding book Delighting in the Trinity: An
Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves. I cannot commend the book to you too
His chapter 4 on the Holy Spirit (Entitled “The Christian Life: The Spirit Beautifies”) is so
rich, that, for this Haven Heart to Heart on honoring the Holy Spirit as the third Person of the
Godhead, I have selected several sections to quote. I hope that these whet your appetite to get
and read this book that will truly help you to delight in the Trinity!
• “The first thing the Nicene Creed says about the Spirit is that he is “the Lord, the giver of life.”
In the beginning, it was the Spirit who, like a mother dove, first vitalized creation and breathed
life into it; likewise it is the Spirit who gives new life - first to Jesus in the tomb (Rom. 8:11),
and then to us.” p. 85.
• “Since our problem is with our hearts, the Spirit gives us new birth into a new life precisely by
giving us new hearts (Ezek. 36:26, Jn. 3:3-8). The tool he uses is Scripture (I Pet. 1:23, Jas.
1:18), but through Scripture he opens our blinded eyes to see who the Lord truly and
beautifully is and so he wins our hearts back to him. And that is life - to know him (Jn. 17:3).
p. 86
• “The life that the Spirit gives is not some abstract thing. In fact, it is not primarily some thing
that he gives us at all. The Spirit gives us his very self, that we might know and enjoy him and
so enjoy his fellowship with the Father and the Son.” p. 87.
• Quoting R. A. Torrey: “(The Holy Spirit) dwells in our hearts, if we are really Christians, and
He sees every act we do by day or under cover of night; He hears every word we utter in
public or in private; He sees every thought we entertain; He beholds every fancy and
imagination that is permitted even a momentary lodging in our mind, and if there is anything
impure, selfish, mean, petty, unkind, harsh, unjust, or any evil act or word or thought or fancy,
He is grieved by it.” p. 90.
• “‘God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us’ (Rom.
5:5). It is how the Spirit breathes out his life on us: he enlightens us to know the love of God,
and that light warms us, drawing us to love him and to overflow with love for others….(How
does he do this?): Quite simply by opening our eyes to see the glory of Christ.” p. 91.
• My new life began when the Spirit first opened my eyes (there’s the light) and won my heart
(there’s the heat) to Christ. Then, for the first time, I began to enjoy and love Christ as the
Father has always done. And, through Christ, for the first time, I began to enjoy and love the
Father as the Son has always done. That was how it started, and that is how the new life
goes on: by revealing the beauty, love, glory, and kindness of Christ to me, the Spirit kindles
in me an even deeper and more sincere love for God. And as he stirs me to think ever more
on Christ, he makes me more and more Godlike: less self-obsessed and more Christ-
obsessed.” p. 93
May the experience of Michael Reeves, the author of Delighting in the Trinity, be ours as
well - by the Holy Spirit who gives us new life in union with Jesus Christ. Amen! Hallelujah