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Dear brothers and sisters,

    The Lord met with us as we met yesterday - and as we took necessary precautions given the coronavirus fears.
I preached on “The Coronavirus Through Christian Eyes”, and sensed that the Lord used the message for its intended purpose: To help us think clearly about our “present distress” (something that is hardly foreign to biblical days and to the Scriptures).  
If you didn’t get to hear the message, I urge you to listen to it now:


You may also want to pass it on to minister to others who are living in great fear.
I received word from Pastor Justin Lathrop of Ascension Lutheran Church that, until further notice, the ALC building will not be used for any public meetings. So, until further notice, we will not be worshipping at ALC on Sundays at 4:30 p.m. I have notified our leaders in training about this, and we will consider our options and get back to you.  
We will continue to have worship - but HOW we will do that is what we must consider.
May the Lord grant us grace to “rejoice in tribulation”, and may He, in this time of the shaking of our nation and the nations, remember mercy.
    Yours in the peace that Jesus gives,
          Pastor Bill