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We will meet for prayer next Wednesday at 7:30-8:30 p.m. via Go to Meeting.   


If you are medically able to fast, I urge you to take some time this coming Wednesday to fast and pray - especially for God’s saving grace in the lives of relatives, friends and neighbors who are as yet outside of Christ, i.e. NYC: Not Yet Christians!    


Below is something that will help you understand fasting and days of fasting a little more.



Jesus did not say, “If you fast…”, but “When you fast…” (Matthew  6:16f.). 

Fasting is an abstinence from food (but not liquid) for a period of time so that you might devote more undisturbed time in communion with God.  In the Old Testament, fastings were observed during times of national distress and great need, e.g. II Chronicles 20:3, Ezra 8:21,  Jonah 3:5.  

In the New Testament they are specifically referred to as times for special spiritual growth (Acts 10:30, I Cor. 7:5) and to implore God for His work in especially difficult situations (Matt. 17:21).  Fasting was also part of the commissioning of church officers (Acts 14:23).  

Our doctrinal standards note that “solemn fastings…on special occasions” are a part of our religious worship, cf. Westminster Confession of Faith, 21:5, Larger Catechism, 108.           

Accordingly, the session is requesting that congregation members who are physically able to fast, take all or part of the time for that purpose (coupled with prayer) this Wednesday,…               

The purpose of this day of prayer and fasting is particularly to pray for this church’s outreach to those who are not committed to Christ and His Church.

On the day of fasting itself we urge you to pray particularly for the following:·       

For the Lord to work transforming lives under the means of grace in this congregation and in all places in which the Word of God is ministered faithfully.·      

For the Lord to work in each of the churches of our presbytery, providing what is necessary for the growth of each.·       

For repentance, revival, and biblical reformation in all churches that profess to be Christian churches.·       

For repentance and revival in our nation.·       

For the advance of the Gospel throughout all the nations of the earth. 

“Food is good, but God is better.”  John Piper, A Hunger for God


You’re all invited to join us.  (We can have up to 150 people - Like an OPC General Assembly!!!!)


I’m learning the new technology - and actually having fun with it.

Blessings to all of you.  Hope to “see” you this Sunday at 4:30 p.m.

        Press on!

        Pastor Bill